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2.1.2. Querry string parametrs


countryCountry codeYesString
nameThe name of the organizationYesString
fiscal_idTax numberYesString
is_legalA sign of a legal entityBooleanDefault: True
contact_nameContact personString
contract_numContract numberYesString
regionName of the regionStringIf not found in the directory, will be added
districtName of the districtStringIf not found in the directory, will be added
addressOrganization addressYesString
phoneThe organization’s phone numberYesString
activitiesAn array of activity typesArrayOptional
codeActivity type codeString
nameName of the type of activityString
shop_nameThe name of the storeYesStringMandatory if shop_code is not used
shop_addressStore addressYesString
shop_phoneThe shop’s phone numberString
shop_codeShop codeStringKey, if used
shop_typeType of trading dotsString
license_numCash register license numberYesStringKey
tokenThe number of the fiscal token of the cash registerString

activities Array

codeActivity type codeString
nameName of the type of activityString